5 Advantages Of Interactivity In Corporate Training

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5 Advantages Of Interactivity In Corporate Training

Prior to the days of digitalization, corporate training and corporate team building activities mostly comprised of collected images of boring one-sided presentations as well as the disengaged audiences. Presently, that the digital era has commenced, trainers should have knowledge about new methods and technologies to make corporate training a little more effectual—getting improved learning outcomes by engaging as well as inspiring learners.

During the hunt of new and advanced training tools, most of the corporate trainers have diverted their attention to interactivity—the dialog that exists between humans and computer software. If you’re finding new tools and solutions to take employee education and training to a next level, follow the below 5 benefits of integrating interactivity in a corporate training strategy.

1. Enhanced Learning Environment
Interactivity strategies make use of interactive training software to help employees to discover their learning environment—in their own way as well as at their own pace. In this kind of environment, employees will also be taught directly the way to do things, a learning tactic that lets you achieve far better results than telling employees what to do.

The topmost successful training companies use graphical environments that are alike to the daily life situations—office, factory, etc.—of the employee learners. They also combine visual components that help the content be more eye-catching as well as support exploration of the training module by developing hyperlinks to other pages that learners may find interesting.

2. Improved Decision-Making
Interactivity permits learners to put knowledge as well as make decisions in a risk-free, non-judgmental environment by taking the help of questions and simulations. Learners are free to make action plans by searching random paths that lead to unknown outcomes. This kind of experiential learning can assist individuals to gain informative insights, from both their successes as well as failures.

3. Reinforcement Through Feedback
An effective training platform helps employees to respond to whatever they are learning. This forces them to integrate the learning content with their own unique way of thinking as they discontinue reflecting on the answer they should give or the path they should opt for. If the choice is made, the learner gets feedback to assist them in recognizing what they know versus what they should know. As an employee moves forward during the learning process, immediate feedback shows what they have learned and helps to guide them towards making better choices.

4. Higher Retention Rates
Researches show that a higher level of engagement at the time of training activities leads to greater retention and recall of knowledge for the learner. Whereas interactivity strategies such as the utilization of multimedia elements, real-world situations, as well as basic achievement levels and badges can assist to change one of the ordinary training modules into appealing, thought-provoking and unforgettable learning experiences.

5. More Motivated Learners
One of the major challenges corporate trainers face recently is motivating employees to participate in the learning process. This is mainly daunting for companies whose training tools and strategies have failed to influence the technologies that their employees are using day to day in their personal lives. To inspire today’s learners who think nothing of playing video games with people all over the globe, streaming videos on demand, connecting with others anywhere and anytime—all through a smart-phone or other mobile device— takes too much than having them click “next” during a training exercise to keep them motivated as well as well-connected.

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