The necessity of children's music in children's development

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The necessity of children's music in children's development

Childhood is the most musical stage of life and the most important because it develops important skills that will later be useful throughout life.

Music is present in the child's life, even before birth. Since it is in the womb, the sense organs begin to mature and their auditory memory begins to develop.

From the moment the child is born, he begins to approach music through lullabies and nursery rhymes that his mother sings naturally. These songs help auditory development, brain development and how to express your feelings.

Children's songs are characterized by being fun for their dances, lyrics, and rhythms, which makes it enjoyable for children. For this reason, they become a fundamental element in the cognitive, affective, motor, intellectual and auditory development of children.

Its lyrics are simple, fun and repetitive accompanied by gestures and mimics, makes it easier to memorize. They are easy to understand thanks to their funny lyrics. As he learns new songs, the child strengthens his language and increases his repertoire.

For children, children's songs become their best means of communication and the way they learn by playing.

A child who sings, dances and interprets music will develop:

1. Verbal aptitude

 From listening to children's songs, children develop brain areas linked to language and reasoning. Through auditions of animal sounds and everyday sounds, children begin to relate to the surrounding environment and through imitation produce various sounds. As the child enriches his musical repertoire he enriches his vocabulary.

2, Improve the functioning of your brain

Music is related to high academic performances. A child who has had exposure to music has better brain development. Music stimulates parts of the brain that are related to reading, mathematics and the proper handling of the emotions they experience.

3. Memory

Through music, both auditory and cognitive memory is developed and strengthened. The development of auditory memory is based on the sound stimuli we receive from the environment. The development of cognitive memory is based on the storage of information (songs, narration) that will give way to new cognitive processes.

4. Coordination

Through rounds, games and the practice of musical instruments, children strengthen and increase their motor skills, coordination, balance, laterality, directionality, etc.

5. Intelligence:

 While listening to music, more neurons will come into operation, this makes it easier for them to learn and acquire new knowledge and develop new talents.

6. Reading and writing

The repetitive language in some of the songs, makes the child assimilate syllabic sounds and lyrics in general, which will later help him when he begins his reading-writing process.

7. Confidence

 Music increases children's self-esteem by acquiring trust, security and building emotional bonds with which they can socialize more easily.

8. Teamwork

 By performing group activities such as rounds, or instrumental practices, children learn to interact with others, supporting each other.

9. Understanding

Children who listen to music develop their intellectual quotient. This allows them to understand and process the information more easily.

10. Emotions

Moods are directly related to music. If you listen to a happy song you get happy and vice versa. The children calm down with soft music and get excited with the rock.

11. Increase patience

A musical instrument is not mastered in a day. It requires a lot of time and effort. A good way to convey the value of patience and make the little ones understand that to achieve a goal it is necessary to work on it and wait for the necessary time to succeed. When it is achieved, the results will be better valued.

12. Learn discipline

Children have to follow the music teacher's instructions to learn to play an instrument. At the same time, they have to strive to follow a work rhythm with which they practice regularly and with which they achieve their objectives. With these activities, children take a good lesson in what discipline is.

13. Accept criticism

Learning is not easy and sometimes things will go wrong, so the child will have to accept a little criticism about his level that he will have to know how to fit in order to achieve his goals. Assimilate that there will be times when he fails is very important to know how to recover from mistakes and succeed in the future.