With the introduction of the IPL, T20 and One Day cricket have greatly surpassed TEST cricket, and Test matches are now struggling to attract a general audience, as everyone looks to T20 and ODI as the best form of cricket. As opposed to T20 and ODI teams, Test matches have different teams who are deprived of much of the monetary benefits and limelight. People who stick to long-term investment are similar to test match players who may seem technical and patient but are missing out on the game's monetary benefits. Traders are similar to T20 players in that they know how to score runs using slogging, reverse sweeps, and scoop shots. Be a T20 player and get out of the Test match approach if one wants to make money in the modern stock market. Trade-in stox of your favorite cricketers for FREE while topping the leaderboard charts for awesome cash prizes. Visit CricStox today!