The Top 5 Most Used Spanner Tools

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The Top 5 Most Used Spanner Tools

If you are a car owner then you are well acquainted with a spanner. For others, a spanner is a very effective tool which is used for tightening or loosening fasteners like nuts and bolts. Spanner is also known as a wrench in various parts of the world especially in the US.

There are different types of spanners ranging from double end spannerto ratchet spanner available in the market. There are various types of spanners of varying sizes and shapes used for a variety of purposes.

Here are some of the most commonly used spanners:

  • Open end spanner –This is one of the most popular types of wrenches having a myriad of applications. Open end spanner is a single piece spanner comprising of U-shaped openings. This type of spanner grips 2 opposite fastener’s sides. Most of this type of spanners is two open-ended tools. The openings are different in terms of size and application. The design accounts for a better and simple grip. It allows greater mechanical advantage and automatically accounts for a bigger range of motion.
  • Box end spanner – This is another very popular type of spanner which has universal demands. In most parts of the world, box spanners are known as ring spanner or ring wrench. The opening of a box end spanner is specially designed to grip the slides of the fasteners worked upon like a bolt or a nut. A box end spanner is very handy when it comes to fastening or unfastening hexagonal shaped nuts or a six sided nuts. This is very common and it comes in various sizes. This enables the user to use this spanner for dealing with various types of fasteners. It has 2 ends and helps in making the work easy.
  • Combination spanner –This is a dual ended tool with each end posing a different design. One end resembles the look of ring end spanner while the other end resembles the look of an open ended spanner. This is why a combination spanner is often termed as a one-stop solution in terms of dealing with any type of fasteners. Both the ends incredibly fit on same types of fasteners. A combination spanner has limitless usability. It is used by plumbers and is also a handy tool to be kept at home.
  • Adjustable Spanner –This is a special type of spanner. It is very easy to use and have a lot of utilities associated with it. To turn it forward, you need to position your thumb on the gear of the spanner. This movement helps the adjustable jaw to spread. As a result, big distance is created between the2 jaws, resulting in a simple grip. This tool is ideal for working in different types of machines. Adjustable spanner is widely used in the garage for motor repair works.
  • Slide Spanner –A slide spanner is twisted in an anti-clockwise direction to tighten the nut and in the clockwise direction to loosen the nut. The adjustable helps to widen the jaws and can be used on various types of fasteners. This type of spanner is used for different purposes. A slide spanner is very common when it comes to several small home maintenance works.

A Few Words to Wind Up

You can find different types of spanners ranging from double end spannerto combination spanners online. When buying a tool focus only on quality. The tools manufactured by renowned brands have good durability and premium quality. It can easily last a lifetime with a little care.

Make a difference with the right tools